Statutory Public Meeting Notice - A 11/23; SP-2023-03

Posted on Friday October 13, 2023

Caplink Limited
Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2023-03
Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/23
575, 625 and 685 Highway 7

Note: The above noted matter was previously scheduled to be considered at a Statutory Public Meeting on October 3, 2023, however the item was deferred due to loss of quorum and will now be considered at a Statutory Public Meeting to be held on:

Monday, November 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Residents can attend the meeting in person in Council Chambers at City Hall, or view the meeting livestream via the City of Pickering’s YouTube channel:

Please note that this item is scheduled for 7:00 pm, however, this matter could be delayed due to Committee’s consideration of preceding agenda items.

The Statutory Public Meeting will provide interested parties the ability to learn more about the proposal, and provide any comments and feedback before any decisions are made.

Should you wish to address the City Development Department and the Planning & Development Committee during the electronic meeting, please visit and complete the online delegation request form or email

Virtual delegations must register by 12:00 pm noon on the last business day before the scheduled meeting. In-person delegations must register by 12:00 pm noon on the day of the meeting. Once your request has been received, confirmation will be provided to you by the Clerks Office which will include the particulars of the delegation process.

The following is a brief description of the proposal:

File Type & Number
Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/23
Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2023-03

Caplink Limited

Property Location
The lands are municipally known as 575, 625 and 685 Highway 7 and are located within Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor, within the Seaton Community.

The applicant has submitted applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate an extension of an approved food manufacturing facility located on the adjacent lands to the east (referred to as Phase 1). The Phase 2 manufacturing facility consists of 6 buildings, comprising of manufacturing, warehousing (including distribution, logistics, and freezer storage), and office uses.

The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision contains six blocks for employment uses, one block for a stormwater management facility, one block for a future road widening and public streets (see attached Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision).

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to rezone the lands to an appropriate zone category to permit the proposed uses and establishing appropriate development standards.

Written Information Available
Information Report available on the City’s website at on or after October 26, 2023. If you do not have access to a computer, you can call the office of the City Clerk at 905.420.4611 to request a copy of the Report be mailed to you.

Last Date for Comment:
November 13, 2023

View the Development Proposal web page

View the Public Notice PDF File for full details and location map.