The City has adopted an amendment to its Official Plan by adding new policies and mapping, and revising existing policies and mapping, to implement the Council-endorsed Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan. This amendment will apply to lands generally located along the Kingston Road Corridor, excluding the City Centre, and also apply to lands within the Specialty Retailing Node, east of Brock Road, north of Highway 401, and south of Kingston Road.

View the Location Map showing lands to which the amendment applies.

Official Plan Amendment 38 was part of a multi-phased process required to comply with the Province’s Growth Plan, A Place to Grow.

Regional Approval of Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 38 and Appeal

The Regional Municipality of Durham approved OPA 38 on November 4, 2022.  View the Region’s decision.

OPA 38 has been appealed to the Ontario Lands Tribunal.  A hearing date has not yet been set.

Next Steps – Zoning

Once final approval of OPA 38 has been received, City staff will prepare the implementing zoning by-law amendment for the properties within the area. The zoning by-law amendment will establish built form requirements including: maximum heights, building setbacks, parking requirements, etc. During the zoning by-law amendment phase, staff will undertake further community engagement. At this time, a timeline for the zoning amendment process has not yet been set.

Until the zoning by-law is amended, any development proposals in the area will still be required to submit development applications to rezone their properties. These rezoning applications will include mandatory public consultation, and Council approval.


Pickering Adoption of OPA 38 (January 2022)

Recommendation Report for Official Plan Amendment 38 and Informational Revision 26 (November 2021)

Information Report with proposed Official Plan Amendment and proposed Informational Revision (November 2020)

Public Engagement

The Electronic Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on November 2, 2020. 

The Electronic Open House for this application was held on Thursday, October 22, 2020.

Supporting Background Documents

The following documents were endorsed in principle by City Council in December of 2019 and informed Official Plan Amendment 38 and Informational Revision 26:

City Contact

Déan Jacobs
Manager, Policy & Geomatics

Mailing Address:
City of Pickering
One The Esplanade
Pickering, ON  L1V 6K7

Tel: 905.420.4660 ext. 2953
Email Déan Jacobs