The City of Pickering has developed its first ever Age Friendly Community (AFC) Plan. Over 650 people participated in an extensive community consultation program launched in the Fall of 2018 which included two public open houses, seniors active living fair, public survey (online and in city facilities), focus group sessions with stakeholders (seniors service agencies, seniors associations/clubs, Pickering’s Seniors Council, AFC public steering committee, government/health agencies and City Council/Staff).
Thanks to everyone who participated – your voice was heard and helped inform the AFC Plan.   

See the completed Age Friendly Community Plan.

About the Plan and the Process

The intended outcome of the Age Friendly Community Plan is to develop and nurture an age friendly City which:

  • recognizes the great diversity among older persons
  • promotes their inclusion and contribution in all areas of community life
  • respects their decisions and lifestyle choices, and
  • anticipates and responds flexibly to aging-related needs and preferences.

The City of Pickering and the Age Friendly Community Public Steering Committee worked in collaboration with urbanMetrics inc. to develop and implement an innovative, flexible and proactive approach to planning for the dynamic needs of the growing population of local older adults (55+ years of age) and their caregivers. The City is committed to becoming an age-friendly community that is supportive and inviting for citizens of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. The purpose of this Age-Friendly Community Plan is to identify and incorporate age-friendly community policies, practices, features, programs and initiatives required to meet the existing and future needs of older adults in Pickering. 

Similar to many other communities across Ontario, the proportion of older adults in Pickering and elsewhere in Durham Region has been increasing significantly over the past decade and is expected to continue at a rapid pace, creating increased demand for older adults' programs and services. Pickering's Age-Friendly Community Plan is being undertaken to ensure that older adults in Pickering are appropriately recognized and have access to the programs and services they require to stay active, healthy and engaged in the local community.

Pickering's Age-Friendly Community Plan is intended to align with the eight dimensions of an age-friendly community, as defined by the World Health Organization. These eight age-friendly dimensions include:

8 Age Friendly Community Dimensions

  • Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings – removing barriers to access, enhancing public streetscapes, parks and open spaces.
  • Transportation – ensuring public transit is available and affordable, improving signage, crosswalks, sidewalks and lighting, implementing large signs, beeping crosswalks etc.
  • Housing – ensuring a mix of affordable housing types while implementing universal and accessible design within neighbourhoods to improve movement and access.
  • Social Participation – providing opportunities for participation in leisure, social, cultural and spiritual activities in the community, as well as with the family which allows older people to continue to exercise their competence, to enjoy respect and esteem, and to maintain or establish supportive and caring relationships. Social participation and social support are strongly connected to good health and well-being throughout life.
  • Respect and Social Inclusion – providing accessible services which are integrated within the community.
  • Civic Participation and Employment – providing volunteer and work locations for retired and aging members of the community as well as information for those interested in work.