Traffic calming measures attempt to slow down the speed of motorized vehicles through changing the physical design and role of streets to better serve a broad range of transportation, social and environmental objectives.

Typical traffic calming measures include:

  • vertical changes to the road (e.g. speed humps, raised intersections, etc.)
  • lateral changes in the road (e.g. chicanes, narrowings, islands, etc.)
  • traffic circles
  • gateway features
  • related streetscaping (street furniture, lighting, landscaping, etc.)

The objectives of traffic calming measures are to:

  • reduce the speed of vehicular traffic
  • reduce collision frequency and severity
  • improve safety for drivers and pedestrians
  • increase access to land for all modes of transportation
  • promote pedestrian, cycle, and transit use
  • increase the quality of urban and rural life

Traffic calming is not appropriate on every roadway and requests for traffic calming will be evaluated individually according to the City's Traffic Calming Policy established in the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy.