The City coordinates a tree planting program that focuses on adding street trees and trees in parks, especially in and around children's play areas. Staff also work to establish planting partnerships with local businesses and community partners.

General information about programs, tree care, and tree protection is shared below.

January 2024: New Tree Protection By-law

Backyard Tree Planting Program

Beautify your property and help grow our urban forest! The City of Pickering partnered with LEAF and the Region of Durham to bring residents a subsidized Backyard Tree Planting program. Experts will help you select the right trees and planting locations, while also providing the option of full-service tree planting to help ensure long-term survival. Native shrubs are also available! Homeowners, multi-units and businesses with adequate planting space may apply. Quantities are limited. Learn more at

Outdoor Learning

Visit Pickering's outdoor classrooms to learn more about the trees you see throughout your neighbourhood, or to help you decide which tree species would be most suitable for your yard!

Maple Ridge Park

Staff and students from Maple Ridge Public School planted native trees and shrubs along the creek, and created the artwork and poems that are featured on the interpretive signage. Visit Maple Ridge Park.

Amberlea Park

38 different native coniferous and deciduous trees were planted as a circuit around Amberlea Park, each labelled with their common and botanical names. View our interactive park map. Visit Amberlea Park.

Bicentennial Arboretum

The Bicentennial Arboretum was constructed in 2011, in commemoration of the City's 200th anniversary and features 28 different native coniferous and deciduous trees as well as shrubs. Locate the arboretum in Google Maps.

Commemorative Tree Program

Residents and friends of the City of Pickering have the opportunity to commemorate individuals through the donation of a public tree in one of the City's parks or open spaces.  View our Commemorative Programs page for details.

Emerald Ash Borer

What is Emerald Ash Borer?

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is an invasive pest that attacks and kills ash trees in North America. It was first identified in Pickering in 2008 and has since spread city-wide. Infestation and ash mortality is expected to expand to the city's approximately 3,500 ash trees.

Ash Tree Management Program

The City's ash tree management program focuses on municipal boulevards and parks and consists of two parts 1) Treating ash trees where EAB has been detected early enough, and 2) Removing and replacing ash trees with other suitable species.

Large ash trees on private property are also at risk - see below Trees on Private Property.


If EAB is detected early enough, or if the ash tree appears healthy, the tree may be treated with TreeAzin (a naturally occurring bio insecticide), which has shown to be effective in controlling EAB and keeping ash trees alive and healthy. To date over 1,000 trees have been treated. If a tree is heavily infested (more than a third of the crown has died off), the City recommends removal for safety reasons and to prevent the continued EAB spread.

Tree Removal/Replacement

The City prioritized the removal of ash trees and replaced them with various suitable species throughout 2015. To date, over 1,000 trees have been removed and replaced.

Working Together to Maintain Pickering's Newly Planted Trees

We're calling on homeowners to help ensure the long lasting health of our trees! During planting, we water them enough to provide a healthy start, but ask that residents continue to water the trees on their boulevard, especially during hot, dry weather, to help them thrive in our urban environment.

Trees on Private Property

To mitigate the infestation, all Pickering homeowners who have ash trees are advised to look for signs of infestation such as "D" shaped exit holes on the tree trunk; signs of woodpecker damage; and/or thinning near the top or 'crown' of the tree.

Residents with a heavily infected ash tree should contact a certified arborist for proper removal. Trees that are taken down can be burned in home woodstoves and fireplaces, but cannot be taken as firewood to a cottage or campground outside of a federally regulated area. This wood should be used in a timely matter or chipped to prevent increased infestation. Those found illegally transporting firewood or ash wood materials may be subject to a federal fine or prosecution.

Tree Repurposing

The City recycles the ash wood in various ways at the Pickering Museum Village: 

  • for firewood for cooking demonstrations on the open hearth and in the woodstoves
  • to build cutting boards that are sold in the gift shop
  • to repair or replace items in the heritage buildings, wagon wheels, the bridge at the Miller - Cole House, and more

The City also sends ash logs and chips to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for use in their habitat restoration projects. They use it to protect plants from deer herbivory, to armour and protect eroded stream banks and shorelines, provide essential habitat for small mammals and bird species, and provide raptor poles and perching platforms.


Contact our Customer Care Centre for more information.

Invasive Emerald Ash Borer Information & Images

Visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website for more information and a regulated area map for movement of infested wood.


Lymantria Dispar Dispar (LDD)

Lymantria Dispar Dispar (LDD) moth is a non-native invasive insect, found to be present in Pickering. It was introduced to the United States in the late 1800s and first detected in Ontario in 1969. This invasive insect is well established in North America and likely will never be completely eradicated.

Caterpillars grow up to 6 centimetres in length, are dark and hairy with five pairs of blue dots and six pairs of red dots on the back. These pests are destructive and are a concern because the larvae feed on the leaves of trees. During the larvae stage, a single moth caterpillar can eat an average of one square metre of leaves. They prefer Oaks as their primary host and can be found both in rural and urban forests; however, LDD, also feeds on Aspen, Birch, Maple, Poplar, Willow and even conifers, like Spruce and Pine.

While most healthy trees can withstand several years of severe defoliation, trees that are already in poor health may have a harder time recovering. Additional stressors such as other pest/diseases or hot, dry weather may result in tree decline or mortality.


Monthly Update for June 2023

2023 LDD Update

The City of Pickering has determined that the Spongy Moth* infestation seems to have peaked over the past two years. As a result, we expect minimal to no sightings of the caterpillar/moth or damage to trees for the remainder of 2023.

Residents are advised to remove any burlap or tape around their trees to prevent hampering healthy tree growth.

*The City of Pickering has changed the way we refer to LDD/Gypsy Moth to align with the Entomological Society of America’s 2022 name change to ‘Spongy Moth'.

2022 Monthly Updates


October 2022

Same details as September 2022:

The LDD moth is now in the egg stage of their lifecycle. This is the dormant stage and will last from now until early May. The next several months are the easiest time to manage this invasive pest and help control the population. Egg masses should be removed to prevent the hatching of more caterpillars next spring.

Egg masses range in size from 2 to 8cm long and can contain between 100 to 1,000 eggs. They are oval shaped, beige/light brown in colour and can be found on just about any surface, such as the underside of tree branches, the crevices of fences, patio furniture, and landscaping rocks.

Once you locate an egg mass or group of egg masses use a scraper tool to remove the egg mass from the surface, ensuring that all eggs are scraped off. Place the egg masses into the bucket of soapy water and leave them there for 2 days and then dispose of them.

Be sure to wear gloves and take care when removing egg masses that are higher in your tree.

Now is also the time to remove burlap bands/traps from your trees. These can be put away for use again next year.

September 2022

The LDD moth is now in the egg stage of their lifecycle. This is the dormant stage and will last from now until early May. The next several months are the easiest time to manage this invasive pest and help control the population. Egg masses should be removed to prevent the hatching of more caterpillars next spring.

Egg masses range in size from 2 to 8 cm long and can contain between 100 to 1,000 eggs. They are oval shaped, beige/light brown in colour and can be found on just about any surface, such as the underside of tree branches, the crevices of fences, patio furniture, and landscaping rocks.

Once you locate an egg mass or group of egg masses use a scraper tool to remove the egg mass from the surface, ensuring that all eggs are scraped off. Place the egg masses into the bucket of soapy water and leave them there for 2 days and then dispose of them.

Be sure to wear gloves and take care when removing egg masses that are higher in your tree.

Now is also the time to remove burlap bands/traps from your trees. These can be put away for use again next year.

August 2022

This month, the LDD moth caterpillar will enter the pupa (cocoon) stage of their life cycle. In ten (10) to fourteen (14) days, the adult moth will emerge from the cocoon to begin the mating cycle.

The LDD moth stage lasts approximately ten (10) days and the adult moth’s only function during this time is to reproduce, after which it will die. Unlike other butterfly/moth species, the LDD moths do not feed during this stage.

Male LDD moths are brown and are attracted to the pheromones produced by the female moths. The female LDD moth is larger than the male, white in colour and cannot fly. The females will begin laying egg masses on just about any surface, such as the underside of tree branches, the crevices of fences, patio furniture, and landscaping rocks.

Destroying egg masses after they are laid, can be an effective way to control the LDD moth population for the next year. Removing egg masses can potentially prevent the hatching of up to 1,000 caterpillars per egg mass and will lower the impact on your tree’s defoliation.

To remove the egg masses, you will need gloves, a flat object such as a butter knife or paint scraper, a container to collect the egg masses filled with soapy water.

Once you locate an egg mass or group of egg masses use the scraper tool to remove the egg mass from the surface, ensuring that all eggs are scraped off. Place the egg masses into the bucket of soapy water and leave them there for 2 days and then dispose of them.

Be sure to wear gloves and take care when removing egg masses that are higher in your tree.

July 2022

Pickering is currently coming to the end of the caterpillar stage of the LDD lifecycle. Most caterpillars are now quite large, dark coloured and hairy with a double row of five (5) pairs of blue spots followed by a double row of six (6) pairs of red spots, down the back. Caterpillars can still be found feeding on the leaves of trees until mid/end of July.

Burlap bands still remain the easiest and most environmentally friendly way for residents to assist in reducing the number of feeding caterpillars. Wrap burlap around the tree’s trunk at chest height, secure with a string or rope in the centre and fold the top half over the bottom half. The caterpillars will seek refuge under the burlap bands, which can be checked regularly. The caterpillars can then be removed and disposed of by placing them in a bucket of soapy water for a few days. Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash.

By the end of this month, the LDD moth caterpillar will enter the cocoon stage of their life cycle, which will last for ten (10) to fourteen (14) days. The adult moth will then emerge from the cocoon to begin the mating cycle.

At this stage, feeding off trees will cease and the majority of affected trees will regain their foliage. You can continue to help your trees that have been affected by LDD by keeping them well watered. These trees are under a significant amount of stress from the feeding, and watering them will help them regenerate their leaves.

June 2022

Pickering is currently in the caterpillar stage of the LDD lifecycle. Newly hatched caterpillars are about half a centimetre long and dark in colour. As they grow, they change colour becoming dark coloured and hairy with a double row of five (5) pairs of blue spots followed by a double row of six (6) pairs of red spots, down the back. Caterpillars can be found feeding on the leaves of trees since this is their main food source.

The easiest and most environmentally friendly way for residents to assist in reducing the number of caterpillars is by using a burlap “trap”. Wrap burlap around the tree’s trunk at chest height, secure with a string or rope in the centre and fold the top half over the bottom half. The caterpillars will seek refuge under the burlap bands, which can be checked regularly. The caterpillars can then be removed and disposed of by placing them in a bucket of soapy water for a few days. Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash.

FREE burlap kits and information sheets are available for pick up by residents at the George Ashe Community Centre & Library, every Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 7 pm, and Saturday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Community Centre & Library is located at 470 Kingston Road. One kit per household and available only while supplies last.

May 2022

Pickering is currently entering the caterpillar stage of the LDD lifecycle. Newly hatched caterpillars are about half a centimetre long and dark in colour. As they grow, they change colour becoming dark coloured and hairy with a double row of five (5) pairs of blue spots followed by a double row of six (6) pairs of red spots, down the back. Caterpillars can be found feeding on the leaves of trees since this is their main food source.

The City has engaged the services of a licensed contractor to administer TreeAzin® to trees that were the most heavily infested in 2021.

TreeAzin® is an effective way to manage invasive pests and the risk of exposure is far less than ground spraying. The pesticide is injected into the base of the tree by a licensed operator and degrades naturally within the tree. Treatment is only required once per growing season and occurs just after the trees leaf out, killing caterpillars as they eat the leaves.

The easiest and most environmentally friendly way for residents to assist in reducing the number of caterpillars is by using a burlap “trap”. Wrap burlap around the tree’s trunk at chest height, secure with a string or rope in the centre and fold the top half over the bottom half. The caterpillars will seek refuge under the burlap bands, which can be checked regularly. The caterpillars can then be removed and disposed of by placing them in a bucket of soapy water for a few days.

Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash.

April 2022

Pickering is currently at the end of the egg mass stage of the LDD lifecycle.

This month, the City has engaged the services of a contractor to “vacuum” egg masses off tree trunks in areas identified with excessive egg masses before the eggs begin to hatch in the next several weeks.

Residents can assist in reducing the number of caterpillars that will hatch in the spring by scraping the egg masses off their trees and placing them in a bucket of soapy water for a few days. Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash.

March 2022

Pickering is currently in the egg mass stage of the LDD lifecycle.

The City has identified street trees that show evidence of LDD moth and City staff are currently scraping egg masses off tree trunks in areas identified with excessive egg masses. This will reduce the number of eggs that will hatch in the spring.

Residents can assist in reducing the number of caterpillars that will hatch in the spring by scraping the egg masses off their trees and placing them in a bucket of soapy water for a few days. Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash.


Life Cycle of the LDD Moth

The lifecycle of the LDD Moth has four distinct stages – egg, caterpillar, pupa, moth.

Currently they are in the egg mass stage and come spring the egg masses will hatch and caterpillars will start to feed on the tree’s foliage.

To help prevent damage to your trees, now is the time to try and reduce the impact of their numbers by scraping the egg masses into hot soapy water. Scrape off the egg masses with a knife and drop them into a bucket filled with soapy water, and leave them for up to two days.

These egg masses are fairly easy to identify… they are a tan or beige colour and have a spongy appearance. You’ll find them on trees but also on outdoor items like picnic tables or patio furniture.

Always wear gloves when removing the egg masses or caterpillars as they may cause skin irritation or a rash. 

Life Cycle of the LDD Moth

Learn how to protect trees on your property. Residents with a heavily infected tree should contact a certified arborist for proper removal.

Not sure what type of trees you have? Check out Forests Ontario to find out.

Visit the Province of Ontario website for more information.

Oak Wilt

What is Oak Wilt?

Oak wilt (Bretziella fagacearum) is a vascular disease that affects all species of oak trees. It is caused by a fungus that restricts the flow of water and nutrients through the tree’s vascular system, weakening and eventually killing the tree.  

Oaks are divided into two groups: red oaks (pin, black and northern red), and white oaks (white, bur, swamp white). Red oaks are more susceptible than white oaks. Infected red oak trees can wilt and die within several weeks, while white oaks may survive for one or more years. There is no treatment and no cure for oak wilt infected trees.

Read our information sheet to find out what you can do, and what the city is doing to protect our oak trees.

Removal / Replacement of Trees

The City removes sick or damaged trees, and replaces them with various suitable species. See our information on Emerald Ash Borer above for a list of streets where ash trees have been removed and replaced and those that have been removed, or are scheduled for removal.

Depending on resources, a tree is either removed all at once, or taken down in three phases:

  • removal of branches
  • removal of trunk down to ground level
  • removal of stump

Please note replacement trees may not be planted during the same time as removal. The City cannot guarantee timelines for replacement. 

Tree Care

Working Together to Maintain Pickering's Newly Planted Trees

We're calling on homeowners to help ensure the long lasting health of our trees! During planting, we water them enough to provide a healthy start, but ask that residents continue to water the trees on their boulevard, especially during hot, dry weather, to help them thrive in our urban environment.

Tree Protection

The City's Tree Protection By-law 8073/24 prevents the destruction of healthy trees in the specified tree protection areas, in an effort to protect and preserve the environment.

What you should know?

A permit is required to remove any tree in a protected area in the City. Protected areas usually run through and adjacent to watercourses and green spaces.

This By-law is actively enforced at all times by the City's Municipal Law Enforcement Services, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

  • Where a homeowner has cut down a protected tree, the fine is $50,000 or $2,000 per tree (whichever is greater) on a first offence. 
  • Where a business entity has cut down a protected tree, the fine is $75,000 or $3,000 per tree (whichever is greater) on a first offence.
  • A special fine exceeding $100,000 is possible where the removal of a tree has resulted in revenue generation or financial gain. 

You can report any damage to trees in a protected area to our Customer Care Centre.

A General Guide

  • subject to the exemptions below, permits are required to remove trees located in a designated protection area at a cost of $150.00
  • dead, dangerous, diseased or severely injured trees require permits for removal
    • if a report from a certified arborist is submitted with the permit application, it will be processed at no charge
    • where the City's arborist is required to inspect to confirm the compromised state of the tree, the permit fee is $50.00.


  • permits are not required for trees not located in the designated protection area
  • permits are not required for trees located in the designated protection area if the tree is less than 2.5 centimetres in diameter measured at a height of 1.5 meters above grade

Urban Forest Strategy

What is an Urban Forest?

The urban forest includes all trees, shrubs and understory plants that grow on public and private property in the City of Pickering, as well as the soils that sustain them. A healthy and resilient urban forest provides many benefits to the community. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, improve air quality, moderate climate, help control erosion, and provide various recreational, health and social benefits. These benefits increase in time as trees grow larger.

What is an Urban Forest Strategy?

An Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) is a planning tool that allows municipalities to develop policies and techniques to protect and enhance the urban forest. Developing the strategy requires a practical understanding of the status of the current urban forest including the number, location and density of trees, their species, health, and age.

An UFS goes far beyond simply assessing the current tree canopy cover or a planting program. The foundation of an UFS is an understanding of what you have now and a vision for what you want it to be in the future.

What is the Status of Pickering's Urban Forest Strategy?

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) completed an Urban Forest Study for the City of Pickering in 2011. A random sampling of trees was taken at more than 200 plots in the urban area during summer 2009.

Trees in each plot over 2.5 cm (1") in diameter were noted along with its species, size and health. This information was sent to the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture for an analysis of the current health of the City's urban forest and recommendations for managing and enhancing forest cover for a sustainable community.

What is the City doing to promote tree cover?

Planting new trees:

  • coordinating a tree planting program that focuses on adding street trees and trees in parks, especially in and around children's play areas
  • establishing planting partnerships with local businesses and community partners

Preventing the loss of trees:

  • administering a Tree Protection By-law
  • working with TRCA and other partners to create a more diverse urban forest that will be more resilient to stressors such as pests, disease and climate change

Developing a strategy:

  • developing an Urban Forest Strategy; once complete it will provide direction for more stringent tree protection guidelines, stewardship, monitoring and outreach programs

Last update to page: January 31, 2024