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Sign Licences

The City of Pickering enacted a new Sign By-law No. 8154/25 on January 28, 2025, which sets new regulations and restrictions for all signs that are displayed within the City to identify businesses or for advertising purposes.

This By-law applies to all signs that are or are to be located, erected, or displayed within the boundaries of the City. 

The regulations in the City of Pickering Sign by-law include the following:

  1. That no person shall erect any temporary sign without a Sign Licence. 
  2. Installing a sign without a valid permit or licence can result in the sign being removed and upon conviction is liable to a fine. 
  3. That a Sign Licence application shall be made by the owner of the property to which the sign will be erected or an authorized representative of the owner. 
  4. That multi-tenanted properties must include written consent from the Property Owner/Manager.
  5. The various types of signs and where the signs can be located as per the Special Sign Districts. 
  6. The requirements for obtaining a Sign Permit or Sign Licence. 
  7. The administration, inspection, and measures of enforcement for non-compliance.
  8. Commercial business and advertising signs require a Temporary Sign Licence in the City of Pickering. 
  9. All sign Licences expire on the date indicated on the Sign Licence. 
  10. All signs must be maintained in a state of good repair. 

For more information on Sign Permits for permanent signs, please visit the Sign Permits page.

Temporary Sign Licences

Commercial business and casual signs require a temporary licence, and are administered by Pickering's By-law Enforcement Services.

A temporary sign licence is required for certain commercial signs, including:

  • Banners, Billboard advertising, Inflatable signs, Portable signs, Sidewalk signs

A permit or licence is not required for the following signs:

  • Address signs, Community event signs, Construction information signs, Development sales office signs, Development sales signs, Directional signs, Directory signs, Election signs, Farm signs, Filming location signs, Flags, Garage sale signs, Gas station canopies, Home based business signs, Home improvement signs, Interior signs, Menu boards, Model home signs, No trespassing signs, Open house signs, Posters, Real estate signs

Note: All of the above signs are subject to number, size and other conditions and limitations prescribed in the sign by-law.

View our Portable Sign Licence Schedule

How to get a Temporary Sign Licence

  1. Complete an application for a temporary sign licence
  2. Drop off your completed application to the Municipal Law Enforcement Services counter at the Pickering City Hall or fill one out in person.  
  3. Multi-tenanted properties must include written consent from the property owner/manager.
  4. Pay the permit fee of $110.00

Temporary/Portable Sign Regulations

A maximum of 1 licence may be issued for a single property at any one time, irrespective of the number of business tenancies located on the property.

A maximum of 4 licences for portable signs may be issued concerning an individual business or service in any calendar year provided at least 30 days have elapsed since the expiry of the last portable sign licence and the sign has been removed.

Zone Maximum Height Maximum Area Maximum Number Minimum Setback
Residential Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Special Sign Districts Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Open Space System - Natural Areas Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Other Zones 2 m 4 m2  1 3 m

Every portable sign shall be located on the property to which the sign relates.

A licence for a portable sign shall be valid for a period of not more than 30 days, after which the sign shall be immediately removed.

Sign Type  Fee
Portable Sign Licence  $110
Banner and Inflatable  $110
Sidewalk Sign  $110
Billboard  $525
Additional fee for any sign installed prior to licence issuance  $65


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