Beginning at a pre-consultation meeting, Proponents will be given a list of required items that must be provided for a complete application. 

Select the drop-down options below to access Application forms.


It is recommended for all Proponents to consult with Pickering staff prior to submitting the following applications:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Plan of Condominium
  • Site Plan Control

City staff, along with any applicable commenting agencies, will provide a list of the required plans and technical studies needed for the review of the application.

Complete the pre-consultation form to request a meeting with the City Development Department.

Development Application

Following a pre-consultation meeting, Proponents will submit all required materials as part of a complete application. These materials will be reviewed by staff and external agencies. More detailed information, such as peer reviews, may also be required. 

Official Plan Amendment

The Pickering Official Plan implements The Planning Act, other Provincial plans and policies, and the Durham Regional Official Plan. It sets out the land use policy direction for long-term growth and development in the City. The Pickering Official Plan includes schedules for land uses, transportation and resource management.

An Official Plan Amendment is a formal request to change the City’s Official Plan. If a Proponent wants to develop a property differently than envisioned by the Official Plan, they must apply for a site-specific Official Plan Amendment. Official Plan Amendments are approved by City Council and, in some cases, by the Region of Durham.

Zoning By-law Amendment

The City of Pickering has six Zoning By-laws that:

  • divide the City into zones
  • specify uses allowed in each zone
  • direct how buildings are constructed by regulating building setbacks from property lines, building heights, building coverage, parking requirements, etc.

A Zoning By-law implements the policies of the Official Plan. A Zoning By-law Amendment is a request to change one of the City of Pickering’s zoning by-laws.  Any requested change to a zoning by-law will need to conform with the Pickering Official Plan, the Durham Regional Official Plan, and all Provincial Plans and Policies. Zoning By-law Amendments are approved by City Council.

Plan of Subdivision

A plan of subdivision divides a piece of land into smaller lots or blocks and secures the owner’s responsibilities for development through a subdivision agreement. A plan of subdivision is generally required where more than three lots, new roads, or extensions to existing roads or services are proposed. A plan of subdivision is approved by the Director, City Development.

Information on Municipal addressing of properties.

Plan of Condominium

The Condominium Act allows for the creation of different types of ownership for a multi-unit development, such as Standard Condominium, Common Elements Condominium and Vacant Land Condominium. If a Proponent wants to sell individual units as condominium units, they must obtain Plan of Condominium approval. A Plan of Condominium is approved by the Director, City Development.

Site Plan Control

All lands within Pickering are subject to site plan control with some exceptions (Site Plan Control By-law 7632/18). Site Plan Approval is a form of development control provided to municipalities by The Planning Act. Site plan control allows the City to review and approve development details for a property such as building location; massing and exterior design of buildings; loading and parking facilities; landscaping; grading and servicing; and accessibility and sustainable design matters in order to ensure that the City's, the Region's and other agency requirements are satisfied.

No one should undertake any development, which is subject to site plan control unless the City has reviewed and approved certain plans. Once the plans are approved, a site plan agreement is generally executed. This agreement contractually binds the developer to develop and maintain a site in accordance with the approved plans and the terms of the agreement. Site plan approval is granted by the Director, City Development.

Additional Applications

Minor Variance Application

A minor variance is a small change from the specific requirements of a zoning by-law. The approval of a variance will allow an owner to build or use their land in a way that does not exactly comply with the requirements of the zoning by-law, but follows its general intent. Minor variance applications are approved by a committee of members of the public, appointed by City Council.

For more information, visit our minor variance page. 

Consent (Land Division) Application

An Application for Consent is required if you want to sever a piece of land to create up to three new lots, adjust a lot line, register an easement, lease or mortgage a piece of land for more than 21 years or validate a title. The Committee of Adjustment is delegated the authority to grant approvals of Applications for Consent for severances creating new lots. The Director, City Development & CBO is delegated the authority to grant approvals for technical consents including lot line adjustments, easements, mortgages and title validation. Consultation with City Development staff is required before applying for an Application for Consent.

Heritage Permit

Alterations to a property designated under the Ontario Heritage Act may require a Heritage Permit. Properties that are listed on the Municipal Heritage Register but not designated do not require a Heritage Permit.

There are different requirements for properties that are located within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District (Part V properties), and those that are individually designated (Part IV properties). To find out if your property is designated Part IV or Part V, or if it is listed on the Heritage Register, see the Municipal Heritage Register. To learn more about the Heritage Permit process, please visit the Heritage Planning Page.

Pre-submission and Application Processing Fees

Schedule of Fees and Information Price List

Current Development Proposals

Current Development Proposals