Planning & Development
City of PickeringOne The Esplanade
Pickering, ON L1V 6K7
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Email Planning & Development
T. 905.420.4617
TTY. 905.420.1739
Toll Free: 1.866.683.2760
F. 905.420.7648
Notice regarding Planning Applications
Many of our staff are currently working remotely. However, planning applications now under our review will continue to be processed to the extent possible. New applications or revised submissions should be submitted digitally.
For information on submitting new planning applications, contact us at 905.420.4617 and ask to speak to the Planner of the Day. For current planning applications, please call the planner assigned to your file.
Planning is the establishment of goals, policies and procedures to guide the development of land in the present and for the future. The City of Pickering has various documents and by-laws, such as the Official Plan, Zoning By-laws, and Urban Design Guidelines to guide development, and managing land and resources to ensure a healthy community – economically, socially, and environmentally.
Responsible for preparing and maintaining the City's official plan; processing, reviewing, commenting, and formulating recommendations on official plan amendment applications, related draft plan and zoning amendment applications. Provides Official Plan interpretations.
Undertake long-range land use, public policy, urban design, and special studies. Reviews and comments on the policy initiatives of other Federal, Provincial, Regional or Municipal government agencies, or organizations.
Development Review
Responsible for processing, reviewing, and formulating recommendations on development applications such as Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision/Condominium, Minister's Zoning Order Amendments, Land Severances, Site Plans and Minor Variances (Committee of Adjustment). Provide consultation to owners/developers respecting development potential and the associated process.