Pickering Forward

Growth Management and Urban Structure - Coming soon

Community Visions and Priorities

Thank you for joining us at the Public Information Centres held on September 24 and 25.

Discussion Paper

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This is just the beginning of a multi-year process to review and update the City’s Official Plan.

Official Plan Review Timeline Graphic

View Timeline PDF

What is an Official Plan?
An Official Plan is a City’s long range document, that provides the framework for land use decision-making in the City. It represents the vision for growth and change within the City. The policies within the Official Plan ensure that growth occurs responsibly, and that resources are used efficiently and sustainably. An Official Plan deals with issues such as:
  • where new housing, industry, offices and shops will be located;
  • what services will be needed to support growth, such as roads, watermains, sewers, parks, and schools;
  • creating opportunities for residents to connect socially, culturally, as well as preserve and enjoy the natural environment;
  • when, and in what order, parts of the community will grow; and
  • where, and how, the City will invest in community improvement initiatives.
Why is the Official Plan being updated?
The Planning Act of Ontario requires that Official Plans be reviewed every five years to ensure they conform to Provincial legislation, policy, and plans, as well as the Region of Durham's Official Plan. Although Council has amended the Plan on an as-needed basis, a comprehensive review, as required by the Planning Act, has not been undertaken since 2007.

Council and staff have been diligent to maintain conformity with Provincial and Regional planning documents through amendments to the Plan. However, the number of recent proposed, and approved, changes to Provincial legislation, policy, and plans, and a new Regional Official Plan, make continuing with this approach not viable. A comprehensive review is now required.

In addition, the City of Pickering is projected to experience significant growth in the coming decades. This growth in population will require an increase in infrastructure and amenities to meet the needs of residents. Council has already approved a number of corporate and master plans in recent years to reflect the changing needs of the community.

What is included in the Official Plan Review?

Phase One – Background and Research
Following Council approval, Staff will launch of the Official Plan Review. This phase includes setting the work plan and hiring consultants to assist with key parts of the project – growth management and public engagement.
The City will host a number of public engagement sessions to provide education to the public as well as hear their comments and suggestions. A number of these sessions will be preceded by the release of a discussion paper which will include research on a variety of topics.
Phase Two – Policy Drafting
Based on all the research and the comments received, a draft Official Plan document will be prepared. Further engagement will take place for the public to review and provide further feedback on the draft maps and policies.
Phase Three – Policy Recommendations
Further revisions will be made and a final Official Plan document will be presented to Pickering Council for adoption.
Phase Four – Final Approval & Implementation
Once adopted by Pickering Council, the new Official Plan will be sent to the Province for final approval.

Previous Events

May 27, 2024 – Launching the Official Plan Review

The Official Plan Review, known as Pickering Forward, was launched at a statutory public meeting on May 27, 2024. Stay tuned for community engagement that is expected to begin in the Fall of 2024.

March 25, 2024 – Council approval to initiate the Official Plan Review

Document Library 

Discussion Papers (coming soon)
