Pollinators such as butterflies, birds, bats, and bees play a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment and sustainable food system. Unfortunately, many of these species are under threat.

What are some of the actions the City is undertaking to help pollinators?

  • In 2022, the City partnered with Elexicon Energy to complete many pollinator initiatives this year, including the coordination of several planting events. Community groups and volunteers helped the City plant over 380 nectar-producing plants in 6 of Pickering’s pollinator gardens. Elexicon Energy also funded an educational exhibit at the Pickering Central Library, where visitors could watch and learn inperson about the lifecycle of Painted Lady butterflies
  • Installed a raised pollinator garden bed at North Esplanade near Pickering City Hall, to increase pollinator awareness throughout the community
  • partnered with Canada Bread Company Ltd. to help pollinators by expanding upon a naturalization project the company started the previous year. Members of Council, Canada Bread, and City Pay it Forward staff volunteers planted 300 pollinator-friendly plants.

  • assisted the Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre with expanding a pollinator garden at their Centre using funds from the City of Pickering’s grant program and the Retired Teachers Association fund.

  • created an interactive map of pollinator gardens to help residents explore the native plants, signs, and art within Pickering’s gardens.

  • provided garden training workshops to teach volunteers how to maintain healthy pollinator gardens
  • installed a butterfly-shaped pollinator garden with nectar-plants and native species at Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre. The garden is maintained by volunteers from the Community of Claremont.

  • undertook the Mayors' Monarch Pledge, recognized for being in the Leadership Circle
  • partnered with the Pickering Rotary Club, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, and SoRo Good Neighbours to install five pollinator units to support solitary bee habitat at Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park
  • installed a large pollinator garden in Diana, Princess of Wales Park in partnership with Valley Plentiful Community Gardening group
  • The City proclaimed August 22, 2020 as Flight of the Monarch Day. This is a nation-wide initiative being led locally by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to celebrate and bring awareness to the Monarch butterfly and other species at risk.
  • distributed packages of common milkweed seeds
  • naturalized a previously mowed area in Ernie L. Stroud Park in collaboration with Dunbarton High School
  • hosted educational garden workshops (i.e. Vegetable Garden, Plot to Plate, Bugs in Your Backyard, and more).
  • converted an annual flower garden in Rick Hull Memorial Park into an educational perennial pollinator garden in partnership with SoRo Good Neighbours and Rosebank Road Public School
  • constructed a large water-efficient butterfly teaching garden in Amberlea Park in partnership with Highbush Public School and area residents..
  • commissioned a local Durham artist to create a large dynamic sculpture portraying the lifecycle of the Monarch butterfly, made entirely from reclaimed metal. Sculpture is located in Amberlea Park.
  • installed a large water-efficient pollinator garden in Ernie L. Stroud Park in collaboration with Dunbarton High School and Environmental Stewardship Pickering
  • planted a butterfly meadow in David Farr Park
  • collaborated with Ontario Power Generation, Environmental Stewardship Pickering, and Toronto & Region Conservation on numerous naturalization projects within Alex Robertson Park
  • installed a pollinator garden at the Autumn Crescent Trail Head into Altona Forest, in cooperation with the Altona Forest Stewardship Committee and St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School
  • Cheerios provided the City with bee friendly wildflower seeds to share with our community. These seed packages were placed in many of our facilities, for members of the community to pick up and plant in their own yards

Butterfly Sculpture at Amberlea Park   bee on echinacea plant