Councillor Mara Nagy
City Councillor - Ward 2
Councillor Nagy was first elected to Pickering Council on October 24, 2022. Over the last several years, she has been actively involved in a number of community groups and a variety of environmental and worker activism initiatives, and is honoured and excited to serve the Ward 2 community and beyond over the next term of Council.
Councillor Nagy has lived in Pickering most of her life and is proud to call this city home, along with her family (and her menagerie of pets). She holds a Master’s of Education, an Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Education, and is partway through her PhD at York University, studying community development and local history in the South Scarborough and Pickering area. She is also an Occasional Teacher on both the Durham District School Board and Toronto District School Board, with teachables ranging from French and Special Education, to History and Physical Education.
Outside of her work, she can often be found checking out local eateries, perusing the newest local small makers, or hunting for historical locations across Durham.
Councillor Nagy looks forward to upholding all of her campaign promises. She also looks forward to working with Pickering’s communities to increase visibility and awareness of resources across the city, and to foster a deeper connection with residents, as well as to partner with communities not only in Ward 2 such as Nautical Village, but outside as well, such as Claremont, Cherrywood, etc.
You can reach her by email at, by phone at 416.795.8589, or on Facebook and Instagram at @maranagy.w2

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