Council relies on Boards, Advisory Committees, and Taskforces to provide recommendations on important City issues ranging from heritage buildings to community facilities and local cultural events. To recognize, promote and strengthen the sense of community, diversity and multiculturalism, all Pickering residents are encouraged to get involved.

Boards, Committees & Taskforces

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee was established by By-law 6211/03, and held its first meeting in April 2003. A majority of the members of this Committee must include persons with disabilities.


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 Animal Services Appeal Committee

The Animal Services Appeal Committee was established in accordance with the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law 6811/07. The role of the Committee is to govern hearings of appeal.


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Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment was established by By-law 2119/85 under the authority of the Planning Act. Its purpose is to consider applications from property owners for minor changes or variances to the City's zoning by-laws.


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Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee

The Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee (CSWBAC) will identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and provide community input on matters relating to the City of Pickering Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan. The CSWBAC will also assist City staff with the development, consultation, and implementation of the City of Pickering CSWB Plan. The Committee will develop Terms of Reference for a Homelessness Task Force that will work in co-ordination with Durham Region to look at how best to address the needs of the homeless population to include services for mental health, substance abuse and the creation of transitional/supportive housing in Pickering.


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Cultural Advisory Committee

The Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) will identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and provide community input on matters relating to the provision of cultural services, including the Pickering Museum Village. The CAC will assist City staff with the development, consultation, and implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan.


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Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee

 The Ontario Heritage Act provides a framework within which municipalities can ensure the conservation of properties of cultural heritage value or interest. The Act also encourages citizen participation in heritage conservation locally. Under section 28 of the Act, the council of a municipality is authorized to establish, by by-law, a municipal heritage committee made up of five or more people.

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Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce
 The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City to:
  • Identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents,
  • Identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement,
  • Provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; and,
  • Celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture.


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Property Review Committee

The Property Review Committee's role is to hear Fence Variance requests and hear appeals from residents who have been given an Order to Comply with the Property Standards By-law.


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Pickering Public Library Board
Under the Public Libraries Act and By-law 2121/85, the City's Public Library Board is comprised of 10 members; 2 Councillors and 8 citizen appointments, all appointed by Council.

The Pickering Public Library system consists of multiple service levels and facility types, to meet the needs of the immediate community (urban and rural libraries) and the entire community through the Central Library resource collection.


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Vehicle For Hire Committee

The Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee was established in accordance with By-law 6702/06. The role of the Committee is to govern hearings of appeal and to provide advice to Council on taxicab industry matters.


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Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee

The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the community and City staff to provide information, advice and assistance on matters relating to the City of Pickering’s waterfront, specifically best practices to preserve the nautical village marine theme, and the implementation/restoration of a waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible.


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Agendas & Minutes

Agendas & Minutes for Boards and Advisory Committees can be found in the City's Corporate Records by clicking the button below.

Agendas & Minutes

Additional Resources