The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the community and City staff to provide information, advice and assistance on matters relating to the City of Pickering’s waterfront, specifically best practices
to preserve the nautical village marine theme, and the implementation/restoration of a waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible.
Councillor Maurice Brenner
Councillor Mara Nagy
Gord MacPherson, Citizen Member
Adam McGean, Citizen Member
Amanda Small, Citizen Memeber
Kelly Stott, Citizen Member
Lynn Tidd, Citizen Member
Shawna Stanleigh, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association (FBNA)
Xaine Kane, Pickering West Shore Community Association (PWSCA)
Johanna Kyte, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
Nick Bryan, Ontario Power Generation
Katy Dunlop, Alkame Dragon Boat Services
Amanda Bathe, Region of Durham
Andrea Zeeb, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club