Welcome to Pickering Museum Village's virtual space! 

Pickering Museum Village continues to generate plenty of new virtual experiences to keep visitors engaged from the comfort of their own homes. Check out videos, educational presentations, tutorials, exhibits, games, and online collections. There's something for everyone! 

Actor dressed as Anne
The Anne Chronicles Podcast

Discover the real-world connections of Anne Shirley and Lucy Maud Montgomery in this series.

Spotify Playlists
1920s Playlist

A curated collection of music to accompany our programs and events related to the 1920s!

Instructor with 2 participants

Check here for digital, curriculum-based student and teacher resources.

Blacksmith in his shop
Behind the Scenes

See what happens behind the scenes in the village, and how buildings and artifacts are taken care of. 

Costumed Interpreter

Discover the fabulous styles of the ladies and gentlemen from the 1790s to the 1920s.

Sitting room

Visit our artifacts' collections from the comfort of your home. 

Historic photo of service person

Go through virtual exhibits such as "Spy in the Sky" and "Through The Looking Glass".

Child with a craft
Kids in the Village Crafts

Keep the children entertained with these unique crafts. 


Pickering Museum Village staff explore themes of daily life in Pickering Township in the mid-1800s.

Follow us on our social media channels.
Find us @PickeringMuse on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest